The beginning
In 2014 Agriness started INFO360, an event created to encourage the pig farming public to reflect upon topics related to information, management and technology in a practical and simple way. Each biannual edition became a chapter in a larger history of animal production.
For the fourth edition of the event, originally scheduled to take place in 2020, the challenge was to introduce a new perspective for animal production, with production data being entered, analyzed and, thus, generating real-time insights.
With the digital transformation growing exponentially and with the speed of change, it was clear to us that someone would need to deal with the topics to be discussed in order to take the next step in digital animal production.
It has become clear that the changes will not stop anytime soon and that our mission is to ensure a space where animal production leaders can access, experience and debate the next world as a favorable opportunity, paving pathways for higher productive efficiency and prosperity for all.
Therefore, INFO360 gave way to the next step and is now called Agriness Next.
Former INFO360 editions
The beginning
In 2014 Agriness started INFO360, an event created to encourage the pig farming public to reflect upon topics related to information, management and technology in a practical and simple way. Each biannual edition became a chapter in a larger history of animal production.
For the fourth edition of the event, originally scheduled to take place in 2020, the challenge was to introduce a new perspective for animal production, with production data being entered, analyzed and, thus, generating real-time insights.
With the digital transformation growing exponentially and with the speed of change, it was clear to us that someone would need to deal with the topics to be discussed in order to take the next step in digital animal production.
It has become clear that the changes will not stop anytime soon and that our mission is to ensure a space where animal production leaders can access, experience and debate the next world as a favorable opportunity, paving pathways for higher productive efficiency and prosperity for all.
Therefore, INFO360 gave way to the next step and is now called Agriness Next.